
Sister Brother Love community-based organization is a non-profit, afterschool kids program based in Dandora ph2. Our organization was founded in October of 2019 to provide a safe, child friendly space and learning opportunities free from any form of judgement and violence.

In low-income urban areas like Dandora, children are susceptible if not always victims of socio – economic shortfalls. In a massively progressive and all-inclusive world, basic children’s rights are supposed to be enjoyed by all children, these essential children’s rights are not a guarantee for most kids living in informal settlements. The harsh reality that these children witness every day is denial of their rights resulting from extreme poverty. Most depend on public education which has proven to be challenging due to the obvious unfair metrics in ration of educators’ and learners

Just like their counterparts living in other underserved communities, children in Dandora are deprived of some of the children’s rights as stated in the children’s act 2022. When this is ignored it often precursors to negative outcomes in the lives of these young boys and girls. Through our after-school initiative, we are committed to equipping vulnerable children with the necessary life skills they need to properly navigate the environment they are brought in.

Sdg4 is far from reality in public schools, most of them are underfunded and the ratio of the teachers and the learners is ridiculous making most teachers to be overwhelmed which further deprives kids from low income areas access to quality education. Sister Brother Love initiative serves as a cushion to enable these children supplement what they learn in school in a supportive and more cohesive manner.

Our Mission

To provide safe and nurturing spaces for children in socio-economically deprived areas.

Our Vision

A community with equal educational and social opportunities for all children

Core Values

  • Love
  • Honesty
  • Hardwork
  • Empathy 
  • Respect

Our Goal

The goal of sister brother love is to work with the community to offer mentorship and support for the healthy development of disadvantaged children by addressing their need for positive role models, and thereby reducing risk factors for negative behavior, enhancing their education success and helping them build self-confidence to become productive members of the society. We seek to incorporate the latest behavioral change methods using measurable, targeted interventions to change the lives and the trajectory of the kids and the communities that we support.